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Buku PEM fuel cell modeling
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Diskusi seputar perkembangan hidrogen fuel cell
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TOPIC: Buku PEM fuel cell modeling

Buku PEM fuel cell modeling 11 May 2011 04:56 #1490

Numpang promo buku terbaru saya tentang PEM fuel cell modeling


The design of a polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) stack requires careful consideration of thermal, water, and gas management to ensure high stack performance in operation. This work aims to develop a mathematical and numerical model for PEFC stacks that serves two objectives: the first involves a study of the fundamental aspects of the PEFC and the associated transport phenomena, electrochemical processes and multiphase flow for a single cell as well as a stack. The second objective concerns the development and integration of applied research for the PEFC single cell and stack, including new designs and related management issues (thermal, gas, and water) to achieve an enhanced fuel cell performance. This book provides basic guidelines for fuel cell engineers to design and enhance fuel cell performance.

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Terima kasih,

Agus Pulung SASMITO, Ph.D.
Last Edit: 11 May 2011 05:05 by Agus P. Sasmito.

Re: Buku PEM fuel cell modeling 11 May 2011 07:31 #1491

Wah, Pak Agung sekarang sudah Ph.D. Mantab sekali pak, terakhir posting masih S2.
Sip Pak.
Btw, buku seperti ini sangat diperlukan untuk di Indonesia. terakhir di Teknik Fisika ITB. pakai buku seperti ini juga untuk modeling PEM fuel cell untuk penelitian sistem fuel cell, tapi dulu masih dari luar negeri pengarangnnya.
Sekarang sudah ada yang nasional Sips pak. saya rekomendasikan ke klaster fuel cell di ITB deh.

Btw, sebagai informasi sekarang TF-ITB sedang membangun sistem PEM fuel cell untuk pembangkit kapasitas 5kW. (tapi PEM nya masi import dari NEDSTACK)
Irsyad Nashirul Haq, M.T.
Lab. Manajemen Energi, Teknik Fisika - ITB
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